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Announcing the Badge Contest! Prizes!

7:17 am

Hello Flutherites!

We have good news. We’ve just built a new way for you show your Fluther Lurve on your own website: the Lurve Badge! This is what it looks like:

My profile on Fluther

And to kick off the launching the Lurve Badge, we’ve decided to have a little contest. Oh, what fun!

Here’s what we’re giving away:

  • Runner-up gets a free Fluther T-Shirt
  • Grand Prize winner gets a secret, custom gift chosen personally for you by the Fluther Founders based on your profile. It’s going to be awesome.

Here’s how to enter:

  • If you don’t already have a blog or website, create one. (I recommend tumblr for something super easy.)
  • PasteΒ the widget code into your blog directly as HTML.
Depending on what blog you use, there are lots of different ways to paste in the code. If you’re having difficulty, leave a note here and we’ll help you out–or ask on Fluther!

UPDATE: Check out this great tumblr how-to screencast from JohnPowell.

On August 25th we’ll randomly select the runner-up and grand prize winner out of everyone who has installed the Fluther Lurve Badge on their blog,

As usual, let us know if you have any question or feedback–and good luck!
