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Fluther is a free Q&A collective that specializes in getting
fast answers from the right people. Check it out!

Mmm…. Brains…..

10:30 am

I have some good news for everyone in the Fluther collective. We’ve just made Fluther smarter.

I’m sure many of you (especially the old-timers), have noticed you were getting lots of “Questions for you”… many of which seemed like they weren’t “for you”. Sorry about that. In the midst of our exciting launch, we had a few loose ends which were making the system far too generous with questions than we intended. But no longer.

We’ve just done an awesome rewrite/upgrade of TFME (The Fluther Matching Engine) and now she’s purring like an engine that’s in great shape. What does this mean for you? Well, you’ll be seeing fewer and more accurate questions for you, and the questions you ask will start going to the just the right people. This is what we always intended. Since it’s new, we still may do some tweaking, so let us know how it’s working for you!

My only advice to Flutherers: Do a good job with topics. That’s an important part of our system. If you add good, descriptive topics, your question will be matched more accurately and the whole thing will work like a charm. And if you want more “Questions for you”, go add to your profile.

Oh, and here’s a few others goodies: now you can subscribe to feeds of “Questions for you” and “Activity you’re following”. We hope you enjoy that. Also, if you haven’t noticed, you can “Thank” users who answer your questions well.

If none if this makes sense to you, just keep using Fluther knowing that it’s smarter than it was before, because it’s been eating lots of brains!

p.s. For those of you who had a boatload of questions before the update: we trimmed your questions down to a more manageable 9.
